Given the moment the world is living with COVID-19, home office has became part of many people’s lives.
Companies and offices had little time to adapt to this work system. Besides that, many people face some difficulties to follow this regime for lack of habit. But, with a few tips, you can get used to it more easily and be as productive as in the office.
Here some tips:
1- Appropriate workplace
Always prioritize a bright environment, and distant from distractions like; the television, cell phone, and where there is a large flow of people. Secondly, a good posture it’s important, so get a proper, comfortable, at the right height table and chair.
2- Check the internet and the computer before starting
To avoid mistakes during the working hours, it is essential to verify first if the internet is working well and there are no problems with the device. If there is any difficulty the boss/superior should be notified to find a quick solution.
3- Wake up a little early and be strict with schedules
It is important to keep your morning routine, in the same way as going out to work. In this regime, waking up a little early from the entry hour could be a good strategy to organize the tasks, to drink a coffee before beginning to work, and start the day in a good mood. Also, be punctual during your lunch break, and try not to extend the working time to avoid being overworked.
4- Establish a contact point
Separate personal from professional life at home can be a challenge! For example, using your personal social media, can be a strong distraction during the work hours and interfere on productivity. That is why, you should reduce or avoid using them to deal with professional or personal issues during your work schedule. Choose to establish a contact point for each of them, in a way that you can line up the tasks with your co-workers, as well as, be informed about your personal life.
5- Make regular breaks
In the office, the pauses along the day happen naturally. As for example, leaving for lunch time or make a short break to take a coffee and a snack, allow you to temporarily get out of the computer and refresh your mind.
However, at home, the external reasons to make a break cease to be felt. That’s why, it is essential to have short breaks over the day, besides lunch time.
A 10 minute break every hour, it’s enough to make a coffee and take a snack, to stretch or even take a walk inside the house. That way, you will feel the ideias flowing and have a more productive day.
The moment is of adaptation for many people, however, if you follow the tips and focus on the goals, it is possible to reach the end of the day and the week with all the tasks successfully performed.
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